20th September 2024

Search South Wingfield Parish Council

South Wingfield Parish Council Serving the people of South Wingfield, Oakerthorpe, Moorwood Moor and Wingfield Park

Planning Applications

Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District/Borough Council directly. We receive details of applications and are consulted on them. We can submit our views (taking into account the views of local residents), but the District/Borough Council primarily look to us to provide local insight and may not follow our view. The public should send comments to both the Local Council and District/Borough Council within any deadline period. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.

Mon, 31 Jan 2022

Trees and specification of works shown on attached documents

The Barn Market Place South Wingfield Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7NG

Fri, 6 Sep 2024

Tree 1- Green leaved flowering cherry. Plan is to fell the tree as it is in poor health and there is a pronounced lean towards the house. Over the last few years there has been a significant reduction in foliage and very little fruit in marked contrast to previous years. It has recently been examined by arborist Kurt Elliott (Pennine Gardens and Trees) who confirms it to be a ???sick tree???. See photos TW24Photo 01, 02, 03, 14.

Tree 2- Tall fir tree, believed to be a used Christmas tree which was planted next to the house. Plan is to fell the tree for a number of reasons. Firstly it is very tall (estimated 9-10m) and growing rapidly meaning it would pose a major risk to ours and neighbouring properties should it ever be blown down. In addition its lower branches are now encroaching on the barbeque shelter which has already had a cracked slate from a falling branch. Also the needles drop and fill the guttering causing blockages. It is growing on the top of a bank made of rubble and some of its roots are now exposed on the bank. The shade it casts is depriving the adjacent orchard trees of light and the root system is also likely to be taking water away from them. See photos TW24Photo 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19.

Trees 3 and 4- Two damson trees which are next to each other. The plan is to fell these trees. They are poor quality trees growing in a cramped space which is too small and against the boundary wall. One tree is actually touching the wall. See photos TW24Photo 15, 16, 17.

Tree 5- Apple tree. The plan is to reduce by a third back to previous reductions. The tree is a messy, unattractive shape and any fruit which grows on the higher branches is inaccessible. See photo TW24Photo20.

Mill House 35 Church Lane South Wingfield Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7NJ

Mon, 19 Aug 2024

Approximate 50%reduction with some shaping of the obvious cedar in the front of the house to accomodate solar panels on the property.

Rose Bank Cottage Church Lane South Wingfield Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7NJ

Fri, 24 Jun 2022

Occasional camping and caravan site

South Wingfield And District Social Club 43 High Road South Wingfield Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7LX

Mon, 27 Feb 2023

Erection of 9 dwellings (Technical Details Approval Linked to Permission in Principle AVA/2022/0524)

Haulage Yard Chesterfield Road Oakerthorpe Alfreton Derbyshire

Fri, 16 Aug 2024

Listed building consent for structural repair works to left hand gable on eastern elevation comprising the installation of helifix bars within the mortar joints of the existing stonework

Pesto At The Peacock Chesterfield Road Oakerthorpe Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 7LN

Thu, 28 Mar 2024

Non material amendment to the wording of conditions 7 and 8 of AVA/2018/0899 to allow for parking of contractors vehicles off site.

Land Off Wessington Lane Wessington Lane South Wingfield Alfreton Derbyshire

Wed, 9 Mar 2022

Outline application with all matters reserved for residential development for over 55's for 240 residential units (C2) with associated ancillary commercial and support units / uses to include Restaurant, Café, Convenience Store, Beauty Salon, Building site management facilities, Care operations facilities, Surgery and Clubhouse (this is not in accordance with the Development Plan)

Land Adjacent To Alfreton Golf Club Wingfield Road Alfreton Derbyshire

Wed, 4 Sep 2024

See attached "240904 Mr Slater Schedule"

Apple Tree Cottage The Dimple Fritchley Belper Derbyshire DE56 2HP

Mon, 29 Jul 2024

Application for approval of reserved matters for one dwelling following Outline Approval AVA/2021/0737

Land Off Riley Lane Riley Lane Pentrich Ripley Derbyshire

Tue, 19 Mar 2024

Variation of condition 3 (site access highway works) of AVA/2013/0181 to the following - The development hereby shall be carried out only in accordance with the details and specifications shown on the drawing E606-278-12 Revision A.

Land Off Eachwell Lane Alfreton Derbyshire

Mon, 15 Jul 2024

Outline application for residential development of 11 Dwellings (major development)

Land West Of Copthorne Drive Copthorne Drive Alfreton Derbyshire

Fri, 2 Jun 2023

Horse Chestnut - pruning of branches overhanging applicants garden.

DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Crich Junior School School Lane Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5DF

Wed, 3 Apr 2024

Request for the removal of Beech (T1) to ground to allow light into the garden & property and to reduce the amount of leaf mess on pathways and drains.
Rowan (T2) authority is sought to remove due to poor health, resident is concerned about safety.
Cherry (T3) lateral raise and reduction as is overhanging neighbouring out building and telephone lines to provide sufficient clearance.

Wylam Cottage School Lane Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5DF

Sun, 1 Sep 2024

T1. Hazel. Re reduce to previous points approx 1.5/2m growth removed.
T2. Weeping birch. Prune away from garage and end weight reduce over extending limbs by 0.5m.
T3. Tibetan Cherry. Lift to 2.5m. Crown reduce by 1-2m to suitable reduction points.

Archway House 2 Bowns Hill Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5DG

Sun, 15 Sep 2024

Conifer tree located at the bottom of the drive . We are seeking permission to remove the tree completely, its not natural to the area.

17A Church Street Fritchley Belper Derbyshire DE56 2FQ

Thu, 13 Jun 2024

Conversion of Public House to two dwellings and erection of two single storey dwellings in the car park

Kings Arms 40 The Common Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5BH

Tue, 12 Mar 2024

Proposed single storey extension across the rear elevation of Market House (may affect the character and setting of the Conservation Area)

Market House Market Place Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5DD

Tue, 30 Jul 2024

High hedge complaint

Willow Lodge Main Road Pentrich Ripley Derbyshire DE5 3RE

Wed, 21 Aug 2024

The siting of caravan in the garden for ancillary use to the main residential dwelling

Dial Cottages The Common Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5BJ

Wed, 4 Sep 2024

Erection of a Food-to-Go pod, provision of an EVC hub and associated infrastructure, provision of a new bin store and all other associated works

Compass Group UK Ltd Travelrest Services Ltd Old Swanwick Colliery Road Swanwick Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 1HJ

Mon, 12 Aug 2024

Change of use from offices to residential for the upper floor of the Old Vicarage which is known as 21C Coasthill. (may affect the setting of a listed building)

The Old Vicarage 21 Coasthill Crich Matlock Derbyshire DE4 5DS

Tue, 4 Jun 2024

Application for additional car park spaces to existing temporary community car park on Land at 76-80 Derby Road, Swanwick, Derbyshire. Temporary permission under AVA/2022/0783.

Land At 76-80 Derby Road Derby Road Swanwick Alfreton Derbyshire

Wed, 31 May 2023

Outline Planning Application for the erection of up to 17 dwellings and associated infrastructure, (Access not Reserved) (May affect the Rights of Way)

Land Off The Common The Common Fritchley Belper Derbyshire

Last updated: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 09:10